Sunday, July 13, 2008

Big Brother 10 - Keesha Smith Intro

Keesha Smith, 29
Hometown: Burbank, Calif.
Occupation: waitress
Most Unique Item Packed: Hooters T-shirt
Audition Process: Casting associates called her restaurant looking for a blonde waitress to audition.
Strategy: "I'm going to make people think I'm a nice person, but I can actually be sneaky."


Jodi said...

Sorry Keesha you got kicked off. I do love the candles you sell though. Check them out.

Kellie said...

@Jodi She didn't get 'kicked off' of the show....she was evicted. There is a big difference in the two. Justin Sebik (Season 2) was kicked off for putting a knife to another contestant's throat. Scott Weintraub (Season 4) was kicked of for throwing furniture. Chima Simone (Season 11) was kicked off for rule violations and destruction of her mic pack..she threw it in the hot tub. Willie Hantz (Season 14) was kicked off for head butting another contestant.