Monday, July 14, 2008

Big Brother 10 - Episode 1 -13th July - Summary


Nice move with the early voting of the HoH. As Brian said, it made everyone be nice and a little careful around one another in the beginning.

Memphis won the first prize and sets himself up to have it thrown in his face repeatedly if he stays around for a while. I have to say, Nice choice of car.

Our first feud - Renny vs Jessie -

Which brings us to - Brian going to lead Jerry along? Could have just been a moment, but we'll have to keep an eye out on that.

Jerry changed his mind very quickly. That easily manipulated, or was it just a matter of getting conflict out as he said?

Good choice of nominations, I think. What are you going to use the first week? You have to come up with something.

Overall good work, Jerry.