Saturday, July 19, 2008

Big Brother 10 - Episode 3 Summary

First Live Eviction Show of BB10 - and they have a studio audience. Everybody now, ohhh, ahhh.

Jerry tells Brian that Ollie Ray was part of the mutiny. Dan and Brian confront Ollie Ray. Question for all you boys out there - What is it with guys and “their word?” I totally understand honesty and promises, I do, I get it. But, you are on freakin’ Big Brother, so shut the hell up about “your word.”

For the preacher’s son. Who, in the first 10 minutes of the 3rd episode, is lying, backstabbing and hooking up. Lord, hear our prayer.

Brian’s sock puppet show. Ahhhh Mazing. Worth watching again folks.

Everyone has so much fun that they start to try and formulate a plan to keep Brian. They try to get enough numbers to cause a tie, so that Jerry would be the deciding vote. Keesha goes bonkers because she thinks April, Ollie and Jessie are talking shit about her (due to the editing in the scene, I didn’t hear anything…but who knows). Both girls explode into pointless drama.

Suddenly I feel the second coming of the Nerd Herd. April, Libra, Jessie and Ollie - with a Renny kicker.

Live Feed:

Madame Renny looks like a fortune teller. Dear God Magic 8 Ball, please let her stick around for a while, if for nothing else but her eviction night outfits.

Jessie talks shit about Renny - Renny rambles. Um, I’m sorry, but Jessie kinda sucks. Renny is crazy as a loon - but at least she’s not boring.

Julie calls Libra out for leaving her kids. Libra adds, did you know that one of the twins is white?!?

HOH interview: I love Jerry. OMG he calls the girls in the house his angels.

Renny’s Pre-Vote Plea: I watched it 3 times, here is what I took away: Ramble, gobble, wiccan, roo. Gurgle, hiccup, monkey stew.

Votes: Everyone but Dan votes for Brian to be evicted. Dan also flirts with Julie, but in a WAY less creepy way that Ugly Adam of BB9. Julie announces the vote and he leaves.

Eviction Interview and Good-Bye Messages:

It’s too bad this kid burned out this quickly, he might have been a half way decent player. He just needed to relax. America - keep him in mind if they let us vote someone back in!! He could totally stir it up in a few weeks!

He calls the game for Smitty - says he could totally win. I have a feeling Smitty’s doucheyness will catch up with him at some point.

HOH Competition: Boring. Question. Yawn. Majority. Snoozey. Tie-Breaker. Winner is Jessie. Damn it.