Saturday, July 19, 2008

Big Brother 10 - Episode 2 Summary

Brian takes credit for the nominations. He is getting WAY cocky. This will probably backfire.
Confessional Producer: You called Jesse a Punk Boy, can you please explain what you mean?Confessional Producer’s Inner Monologue: This chick is nuts.
Jesse blames Madame Renny for his nomination. It occurs to me how small his head is.
Jerry explains his decision by talking about King Solomon cutting a baby in half. Obviously.

More Brian Cockiness
Brian Quotes:
“I’ve got Jerry”
“It’s going to come down to this, I need you to vote for so and so this week”
“I have the numbers”
“If I can say to you that you are safe for a week”
“Jerry’s done everything I have told him to do”
“I could make sure you are here for the next 2-3 weeks”
“Today’s was a test”
“Those nominations were mine”
“I’ll get somebody I want out”
“I have enough votes to get what I want, and nobody has the balls to take me down”

Yea, I’m gonna go ahead and call it. He’s toast.
Ollie Ray and April are flirting. I wonder what the preacher would say about her…

Veto Competition: Sweet Dreams
Playing: Jerry (HOH), Jesse (Nominee), Renny (Nominee), Smitty (Bartender Memphis), Michelle and April

Host: Angie
Goal: Be the first to find 5 veto bears in the color-coded feather pillows. Oh, and dive through honey to get to the pillows. Sticky, Feathery Mess. This looks like so much fun. I wanna play.

Renny wears a swim cap (brought to you by NBC, would like you to know that the Beijing Summer Olympics start on 08.08.08 and that they are broadcasting 12,000 hours of coverage!!). The houseguests dive into the honey and are stopped in their tracks. It is sooooo sticky and heavy, they can barely get through it. Immediately they are covered in feathers too. Renny looks like a giant chicken.

Jesse, Michelle and Memphis are neck and neck - but Jesse pulls it off. And by it, I mean his shirt. Then (in keeping with the WWE theme), talks about himself in the 3rd person.

More Brian Cockiness
Poor interns, the backyard is covered in honey and feathers. Goo.
More Brian Cockiness as he targets Smitty - Jerry agrees (pretty blindly, I might add)

Brian and Ollie Ray tell Keesha, Libra and April about targeting Smitty. They nod. Skeptically. Libra calls him Dr. Will. LOVES IT. But I have to disagree - Will wouldn’t play his hand this quickly. He is much better than that.

The girls start thinking that Ollie, Dan and Brian are together - April can’t believe it as here an Ollie are so close. But, they all start chatting and cook up a plan to get rid of Brian. Brian has NO CLUE.

The girls rope in Ollie and convince him to flip. Ollie Ray goes to Smitty and tells him that he is being targeted. 8 of the houseguests (Ollie, Jesse, Michelle, Angie, April, Memphis, Keesha and Libra - where the hell is Gay-Cowboy, Rock-Jock Steven?) decide to go to Jerry and tell him to put up Brian or else. Jerry feels a little ambushed, but he clearly has no choice.

In a CLASSIC diversion tactic, April asks Jerry (in front of Brian and Dan) if she can use his “restroom” Hahahahahaha.

Veto Meeting
More Brian Cockiness as he is convinced that Smitty is going up.
Renny rambles in her veto plea. I think she is drunk again.
Jessie saves himself.

Jerry gives a little speech and lays out the ambush. Calls out Brian and then he nominates him. Dan is shocked.
My favorite players, after 2 shows, are Libra and April.
Thanks to NBC for their Comment in Blue!